The main reason we chose the place is location and we were getting desperate. For a month until summer, Charlotte my wife will drive to Killeen which is northwest of Austin everyday. We chose a short, 6 month lease because we don't know where she'll be working come fall and we're not sure about buying a home. Also, did I say that we're moving next week!
All that to say, we are excited to have found a place (even if its on the 3rd floor). Also, it seems that things don't quite work out the way we always want them to. The thing I fear is that trying to do something like incarnational, lifestyle ministry is not highly encouraged simply because its not natural to our culture or even in our churches. So I'm afraid that it won't happen, because life will just usurp our dream. Of course, I'm also afraid that I'm more in love with the idea of love than actual doing it. Time will tell, only God knows.
I had a lot of these same thoughts when I settled on an apt. in North San Antonio, the nice side of town, where the church is, though I eventually want to practice a downward mobility. I want to be in the west side.
I'm afraid of selling out for convenience or because it's not acceptable or because it's too far from the church or a number of other reasons. In the end I decided I needed a place quick and I wanted to get to know the city before I stay put.
I also want to look for people who are trying to find the same thing so we can walk the path together, for company and eventually community. Like you said, time will tell. I'm in this apt. for a year.
Anyway, it's nice to know I'm not the only one with mixed feelings about having a new place.
that's good to hear...not that you're struggling, but that we're doing it together.
I'm mostly afraid that life and consumerism will continue to control me more than the Kingdom.
I like that we were sharing the same thought process though. We wanted to get a feel for the city and where God wants us, as well as find some people for the journey, because this simply, is impossible without community.
And maybe you can be used in this time to show the yuppie community the love you are obsessed with. And give them glimpses through these six months that it really is about not serving two masters. While this may not be what you want right now, (just like I hate substitute teaching at this moment and living with my parents) if you really are intentional then you can be used to give them glimpse of kingdom living. Just look at this time as a microcosm of the "already and not yet." You long for the chance to walk amongst the oppressed but right now it may be time to deal with those asking all the wrong questions. And use it as a time to start showing them in this time what the right questions to ask are. Ok, I'm rambling now and probably not much help...
Never give up on your dreams.
Dreams are God given to drive us to live and learn.
Life is a never ending learning journey full of ups and downs.
Resist following the crowd, avoid becoming part of the herd.
Follow your heart and dreams and hope that the Lord is watching.
He will open doors for you.
Love Dad
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